Our By-laws


The Membership

4.2 Rights of the Whole Membership

4.2.1 All members are implicitly invited to coven meetings and are encouraged to voice their opinions in decision making.

4.2.2 All members are eligible to serve as Trustees and as Secretary.

4.2.3 Any member may call a meeting of the membership when they have issues that they need to discuss, including the desire to amend these bylaws.

4.2.4 Though the Coven is a family, all members are free to pursue their studies either within or outside of The Coven membership, insofar as such choices do not conflict with the Code of Honor and vows taken.

4.2.5 All members are free to associate with whomever they find worthy of their time, regardless of any tension that may exist between the persons they choose to associate with and members of The Coven, insofar as such choices do not conflict with the Code of Honor and vows taken.

4.2.6 All members are at all times bound by the Code of Honor and the vows they have freely taken.


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