Sylvan Circle Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions we receive in email. if you have any other questions which this FAQ does not address, please feel free to contact us at

Q: Can I join your coven?

A: Sylvan Circle is a small family-like coven of initiates. We are not actively seeking new members but are open to "finding" new family. Those people who have already initiated in a Traditional manner are welcome to contact us to meet and see if we make a good match. Please email

If you are not a Traditionally initiated Wiccan, we would ask you to attend our introductory class before contemplating joining our coven.

Q: Will you teach me over the Internet?

A: Sylvan Circle does not have a curriculum for teaching over the Internet. We do not offer such classes.

However, we have in our membership several teachers who can choose to do so on their own initiative. When a member is interested in offering Internet teaching, s/he will post that information on this page under Classes. Check this page for up to date info.

Q: Will you initiate me?

A: Sylvan Circle will consider initiating people who have completed our introductory class. On completion of the course, and after attending the open Esbat, any such requests will be addressed.

Q: Do you teach classes?

A: Sylvan Circle offers free introductory classes from time to time. We also offer workshops on occasion. Please check our page under Classes for any updates on teaching availability.

Q: Can I come meet with you guys?

A: We are a friendly group and when it comes to the 8 sabbats we generally believe the more the merrier. Usually we have a picnic or party. These would be good occasions to meet and greet us. Anyone interested in meeting us can email the scribe, and you will be given the information to attend the upcoming sabbat. There are some occasions when we do hold "members only" sabbats.

Q: Do you have open circles/rituals?

A: Nope. That's the short answer. :)

The details are:

Sabbat daytime activities usually involve a picnic or a party of some sort, and you can email us to find out how to attend them. We do not throw the doors open to the general public, as in posting the info on listserves, etc., because we like to maintain a homey feeling to some extent.

On occasion we do open our circles to non-members, and that is by invitation only. The exception to this is the open Esbat which is offered to our introductory students, for learning. (Those interested in joining our coven who have already had a Traditional initiation, would of course be invited to several gatherings and circles, in order to make an informed decision about membership.)