Our By-laws
Coven Meetings
Please note that these by-laws were revised extensively in 2021.
7.0 Business Meetings
7.1 All members who have attained the degree of Priest/ess will meet when necessary to discuss matters of spiritual training and other matters of the clergy.
7.2 All members of the Coven are required to attend an annual business/planning meeting, which is to be held at or about Imbolc, to plan events and issues for the upcoming year.
7.3 Ad-hoc meetings may be called at any time by any member, as the need arises.
7.4 The Secretary will chair and will take notes of all business meetings. If the Secretary is unable to chair a meeting, a Trustee will act as the chair.
7.5 As all members are expected to attend coven meetings, only in person voting on a subject will be allowed. This will allow all members a chance to hear and engage in dialogue. Proxy voting will not be allowed, as a vote that has been logged prior to discussion is fixed and unmoving; unable to be swayed, or to generate alternative solutions through group brainstorming.
8.0 Sabbats and Esbats
8.1 When possible, the Coven will gather to celebrate the eight Sabbats of the Wheel.
8.2 When possible, the Coven will gather to celebrate the thirteen Esbats of the Wheel.
8.2.1. Esbats may be held as circle, or as coven building/social time.
9.0 Initiations and Elevations
9.1 All members of the coven are required to attend coven initiations.
9.2 Every clergy member of the appropriate degree is required to attend coven elevations.
10.0 Attendance and Expectations
10.1 Members are expected to attend every event.
10.1.1 While it is understood that emergencies occur, a total of three non-emergency absences are permitted per year.
10.2 It is expected that all members will attend Imbolc unless there is an emergency.
10.3 As the Coven's anniversary is celebrated at Lammas, it is expected that all members will attend unless there is an emergency.
10.4 Refer to the separate Expectations of Members page for further details and guidance regarding priority of attendance.
10.5 If a member is unable to fulfill the attendance expectations, counseling will be required.
10.5.1 Attendance counseling will be held privately with the High Priest of the coven, and/or a designee of the High Priestess.
11.0 Emails
11.1 Sylvan Circle email is considered the official method of communication within the coven.
11.2 Responses to coven emails should be done as soon as able. Refer to the separate Expectations of Members page.
11.2.1 If the topic of an email is urgent, it shall be noted in the subject line along with a needed reply by date.
12.0 Use of Zoom or Other Online Meeting Spaces
12.1 The use of online meeting spaces is not permitted in the Temple Space, nor any ritual where a circle is cast.
12.2 Online meeting spaces may be allowed at dinner esbats at the discretion of the event's priest or priestess.
12.3 Online meeting spaces may be used for portions of sabbats that are not in circle, such as the joke telling at Beltaine.
12.3.1 The use of online meeting spaces during these times are at the discretion of the event's priest or priestess.
12.4 As attendance is required for the annual business meeting, online meeting spaces will not be used.
12.4.1 In the case of an extreme emergency which prevents a member from attending, an online meeting room may be considered.
12.4.2 If any consensus requiring decision needs to be made, and there is a member unable to attend the business meeting due to a condition as in 12.4.1, and said member is unable to join the meeting by an online meeting room, then the subject(s) will be tabled until a later date in which all members are able to have a voice.
13.0 Combining Events
13.1 When the annual schedule is created, events that are closely adjacent in date will be combined whenever feasible.
13.1.2 Due to the extra time and effort involved, workshops will not be scheduled as a separate event on the same day as an esbat.