Our By-laws


The Membership

4.5 Rights of the 3rd Degree

4.5.1 May cast circle without restriction.

4.5.2 May teach classes within and for The Coven and workshops and classes outside of The Coven.

4.5.3 May train students in the Craft.

4.5.4 May form their own covens. They are strongly urged to work with a partner of the 2nd or 3rd degree in such endeavors, as the temptation/opportunity to misuse authority is thus greatly diminished.

4.5.5 May lead rituals for themselves, their students, in the community (Wiccan and Mundane), and for members of The Coven. Is expected to lead at least one Sabbat each turn of the Wheel if possible.

4.5.6 May perform initiations with a partner of at least 2nd degree, or with a partner of 1st degree who has had clergy rights bestowed by the Trustees for the purpose of initiating.

4.5.7 May attend 3rd Degree elevation ceremonies and circles to which they are invited.

4.5.8 May refer to self as "a High Priest/ess".


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