Our By-laws


The Membership

4.9 Removal of a Member

4.9.1 If the member has so violated the trust of the membership as to make some or all uncomfortable with the member remaining within The Coven, any of the membership may make a Motion to Dismiss. A motion to dismiss can not be made until dispute resolution has been attempted. The seriousness of this potential action should limit this option as the very last resort considered. The following offenses shall constitute the whole for which this option may be invoked: VIOLATION OF THE CODE OF HONOR, VIOLATION OF THE CONTRACT WITH THE STUDENT, OR THE VIOLATION OF THE MEMBERSHIP STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.

4.9.2 If such a motion is made, a meeting date must be set and communicated to all members at least 1 week prior to the vote. This is necessary as all members are encouraged to participate (and at least 67% of the membership must take part if the vote is to be valid).

4.9.3 At least 67% of the membership must be present in person (or by written proxy) at the time of the vote.

4.9.4 To dismiss a member, at least 75% of those present must agree by means of their vote to break ties with the member. If less than 75% vote for the Dismissal, the member maintains his/her membership, but is urged to look at the concerns of the membership and do her/his utmost to address the concerns and regain their faith.


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